Parliaments in Dialogue: EU-UK foreign and security policy cooperation

Online discussion

On 17 April 2024, EPLO in the UK arranged an online discussion with the Chairs of the Foreign Affairs Committees of the European Parliament, David McAllister MEP, and of the UK House of Commons, Alicia Kearns MP. The topic was EU-UK cooperation in foreign and security policy. Susanne Oberhauser, the Head of the European Parliament Liaison Office in the UK opened the event. The discussion was moderated by Professor Malcolm Chalmers, Deputy Director of the Royal United Services Institute.

The Chairs talked much about the close and successful EU-UK cooperation on the war in Ukraine. They also touched upon the situation in the Middle East and in the Western Balkans, and addressed the question of a potential formal structure for EU-UK cooperation in the field of foreign and security policy. In audience questions, issues such as Nato and defence cooperation came up as well.

You can rewatch the event here.

